place: Pordenone
contracting authority: Comune di Pordenone
architects: A.T.I. arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini, ing. Maurizio Casoni
collaborators: arch. Margherita Bortolus
assignment: competition
project cost: €. 232.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, safety coordination
project: 2002
construction: 2003
photography: Foto Ciol
The new building stands close to the existing facility in a part of the garden located between the school, to the south, and two rows of trees, to the north. The north and south walls of the new building become two “diaphragms”, the first one between the corridor of the school and the dining-hall, the second one between the dining-hall and the garden. The large glass window to the north provides a diffuse light and a view of the garden and the mountains. A “colored carpet” covers the floor up to the wall towards the inner corridor: in plan, each square represents an “island” and is occupied by a single dining table that each child recognizes as his/her own at lunchtime. The round columns are slender, their white color neutral like the ceiling, and leave the view on the outside unobstructed, creating a constant game of perspective relations with the tree trunks. Seen from the outside, the building appears as a compact volume made of exposed concrete, markedly different from the existing building.