place: Pordenone
contracting authority: Comune di Pordenone
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini , arch. Ugo Perut (coordinator)
collaborators: arch. Walter Pescarollo-Vivan, arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 4.104.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project
project: 2005-2006
construction: 2007-2011 – concluso
photography: Foto Ciol

The requirement was for a building including exhibition areas, lecture hall and related facilities located between the historical villa and the public street at the rear. The design proposes a building on two levels where the exhibition and distribution routes are developed along axes that connect outdoor and indoor spaces. This solution addresses the complex program so that the architecture of the new building is porous from the outside to the inside and vice versa: the colours and reflections of nature penetrate the new spaces and the presence of the historical monument is perceived from original points of views. The new Gallery is conceived as the synthesis of two volumes: the first one, below grade, emerges only to the level of the basement of the neighbouring historical villa; the second one, one floor high, rests on the first volume and defines the new street elevation. The terrace/plaza resulting from the gap between the volumes fronts on the nearby pond and represents an element connecting the historical villa and the new Gallery of Modern Art: a real outward extension of the exhibition space and a location for large-scale sculptures as well as an extraordinary place offered to the different cultural activities of the city.