place: Maron di Brugnera (Pn)
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini
collaborators: arch. Christian De Col
services supplied: project, construction management
project: 2001
construction: 2002/2003
note: mq 7
photography: Massimo Poldelmengo
Life and death, light and darkness were the issues involved in the conception of this highly symbolic place intended for meditation, prayer and contemplation. The inner walls of the tomb are clad in Orsera stone slabs of different size (5-10-15 cm) with rolled finishing laid straight over a 1-cm base. At the entry the joints between the slabs turn into the structure of a burnished brass gate (the physical boundary between world of the living and world of the dead) cutting the light into rays that intersect the design of the stone and create particular reflexes, constantly changing with the inclination of the sun, the time of day and the changing of seasons. The floor, detached from the walls and made of large stone slabs, is furrowed by an irregularly shaped brass blade, a metaphor of the difficulties and suffering of earthly life. The light reflected by a golden tessera emerges from the darkness and indicates that death is not the end but a beginning. Earthly and other-worldly life are united by a cross, a symbol of faith, that “vibrates”, with natural light, in the bottom wall.