Group leader:
architect Vittorio Pierini
architect Elisabetta Lot, architect Ivo Boscariol, architect Fabio Santarossa, architect Marco Salamon
architect Alessio Grava

A trapezoidal volume, developed on two floors above ground, is articulated within the site where the demolition of the existing building is planned. On the ground floor, a projecting canopy highlights the location of the main entrance from Via Piave; the entrance hall, thanks to large windows to the north and south, connects the public entrance to the internal garden of the school, also visually.

On the ground floor, a large collective space opens up, visually and functionally connected to the garden to the south. The classrooms of the first cycle (first and second classes) with the related services to the west, the special classrooms and the library to the north, as indirect light is more appropriate in these cases; the school cleaners and the teachers’ rooms and bathrooms to the east, the BES classrooms and an additional stairwell near the connection with the canteen connective tissue. On the ground floor, the classrooms have a direct relationship with the external space.

The first floor hosts classrooms for the third and fourth year to the west and, interspersed with bathrooms, for the fifth year in addition to the music room to the south. To the north, as on the lower floor, are located the special activities, with the BES classrooms and the school cleaners in between. The additional three classrooms required by the tender were also created on this floor. The teaching spaces have large partially openable windows, which overlook the existing and projected external trees; they are equipped with elements for managing both natural and artificial lighting, which are essential considering that teaching is mainly carried out using IWBs and PCs.

The distribution space becomes a meeting place during recreational hours but also for small school exhibitions and is connected to the existing gym. A large skylight diffuses indirect light onto the staircase and the collective space below.


Group leader:
Arch. Vittorio Pierini
Arch. Elisabetta Lot, Arch. Ivo Boscariol, Arch. Jessica Macuz, Arch. Andrea Catto

The primary objective of the project was to build it in parts: in a first phase, the construction of the new school and, only at the end of this first phase, the demolition of the existing one and the new construction of the premises with “complementary” uses, gym and auditorium. A second objective concerned the multifunctionality of the school, therefore imagining a building that would not only host school activities, but that would above all be at the service of the community of the Torre neighborhood.

The idea of ​​opening the school to the community, thinking of it as a public building attentive to relations with the urban fabric and supporting the civic activities of the community was fundamental to defining the priorities of the architectural composition.

To achieve this second objective, we thought that a new quality public space was necessary and that all the functions with autonomous use and management should “overlook” this: the school, the gym, and the auditorium.

The school complex is therefore conceived as a set of independent but contiguous modules with all the “public” functions located on the ground floor, in close correlation with the external space and with the urban flows, with pedestrian crossings and a system of vehicular access.

The three volumes that make up the project have different heights; the school is built on three floors to accommodate all the required functions while trying to contain the size in plan, it has a height of about 12 m, the gym will have a height of about 8 meters internally and the auditorium about 7/8 meters, net of the crowning walls that determine its shape. If the base collects all the public functions as mentioned, on this figuratively rest the crownings of the gym and the auditorium and the two-story volume of the school where all the classrooms overlook the longer sides to the north and south but where even the heads of the building are “opened” to illuminate the corridors creating an intense relationship with the outside that links the square with the park.


Group leader:
architect Vittorio Pierini
architect Elisabetta Lot, architect Ivo Boscariol, architect Fabio Santarossa, architect Marco Salamon
architect Alessio Grava

The project is part of the Cinto Caomaggiore School Complex, enhancing the relationship with the existing building through new visual and spatial relationships and expanding the existing green areas, while reducing land consumption. In order to guarantee teaching activities, the project is developed in two distinct phases: the first will involve the demolition of the portion of the north entrance and the construction of the new block (A) arranged on two floors above ground containing classrooms and services; the second will involve the demolition of the two buildings of the current G. Pascoli Primary School and the construction of the second block (B) arranged on one floor hosting special classrooms and services.

Block A is characterized by an L-shaped volume on two levels designed to fit into the space between the canteen/gym building and the existing primary school. It has a pitched roof in order to relate to the building typologies of the urban context of the area and to the existing buildings of the school complex.

Block B is located to the north-east of the project area, is characterized by a rectangular volume arranged on a single level and placed in adherence to body A and follows the trend of the northern perimeter of the lot. The choices adopted allow for a multipurpose space serving the school thanks to the direct connection with the central atrium, and at the same time an autonomous function guaranteed by the separate entrance located on the west side of the building, which is accessed from Via Torino, and by the possibility of closing the connection with the atrium.


place: Lestans, Comune di Sequals (PN)
contracting authority: Comune di Sequals
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini, ing. Angelo Salomon, ing. Gianni Mirolo
collaborators: arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 1.300.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management
project: 2010/2011
construction: 2012/2013 (concluso)
photography: Foto Ciol

The name derives Sequals according to some scholars to “sub colles” that is at the foot of the hills , others from “septem colles”. The main fraction, Lestans , is about 5 km from the capital. The hills that rise between the arch rolling foothills and the plains are taken as a reference design: the section of the building from east to west is marked by a series of pitched roofs with different size and inclination (and reference memory of the skyline of the surrounding mountains) that vary depending on the environments, characterizing spatially. The construction of the prospects for extrusion of portions of the walls and the rear position of the window relative to the wire thickness to give the building openings that are transformed into real telescopes open to the surrounding landscape. The choice to characterize the color-only floors and ceilings at the disposal of the teaching that all the walls, like the film in a movie, recount the daily activities of children, through drawings, words and teaching jobs.


place: San Quirino (PN)
stazione appaltante: Comune di San Quirino
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini
collaborators: arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 230.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, safety coordination
project: 2010/2011
construction: 2011/2012
photography: Foto Ciol

The project involves the architectural and plant renovation of a building built in the 1920s to house the city library. The building was already the subject of an intervention in the 1980s; it was radically modified both in function – originally it was the dwelling of the doctor, then it was used as medical clinics – and in the typology, with an extension on the east side and the new positioning of the stairwell. The two floors have been completely freed from the existing internal walls: the ground floor, which has become an open-space, is intended for public acceptance, book storage and reading room; the first floor has been divided into three rooms: two for children and adults, and the third for a multi-purpose room. The program also required the creation of a new multimedia environment; since it did not find its place in the existing building, an expansion was built on the south side, towards the garden.


place: San Quirino (PN)
contracting authority: Comune di San Quirino
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini, Cooprogetti (coordinator), arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 980.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, art direction
project: 2007/2008
construction: 2009
photography: Foto Ciol

L’ampliamento ha un impianto progettuale che si sviluppa in direzione est-ovest proponendo un percorso che distribuisce e allo stesso tempo si dilata nei nuovi ambienti di progetto: il refettorio, oggetto del presente incarico, e il nuovo asilo nido, di futura realizzazione. La pianta dell’edificio destinato a mensa e servizi è ritmata da sud a nord secondo tre fasce di ambienti distinti: il locale destinato al pranzo che si apre verso il giardino con un’ampia vetrata ; il vano cucina, un cavedio e il locale pranzo del personale; gli ambienti di servizio. Le aperture sono posizionate sui lati nord e sud, all’interno di spazi realizzati con il prolungamento dei setti perimetrali da un lato, e della copertura e del marciapiede/davanzale, dall’altro. La corte interna contribuisce a portare aria e luce nella parte centrale dell’edificio. La natura (gli alberi, i cespugli, i fiori del giardino esterno) e gli eventi atmosferici (il sole, la pioggia, le nuvole, la neve, la grandine) “entrano” nell’edificio attraverso la vetrata e la corte interna, consentendo agli alunni di osservare i cambiamenti climatici e cromatici dovuti al trascorrere e al mutare delle stagioni, trasformando in questo modo anche il pranzo in un momento didattico, di scoperta e apprendimento.


place: Pordenone
contracting authority: Comune di Pordenone
architects: A.T.I. arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini, ing. Maurizio Casoni
collaborators: arch. Margherita Bortolus
assignment: competition
project cost: €. 232.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, safety coordination
project: 2002
construction: 2003
photography: Foto Ciol

The new building stands close to the existing facility in a part of the garden located between the school, to the south, and two rows of trees, to the north. The north and south walls of the new building become two “diaphragms”, the first one between the corridor of the school and the dining-hall, the second one between the dining-hall and the garden. The large glass window to the north provides a diffuse light and a view of the garden and the mountains. A “colored carpet” covers the floor up to the wall towards the inner corridor: in plan, each square represents an “island” and is occupied by a single dining table that each child recognizes as his/her own at lunchtime. The round columns are slender, their white color neutral like the ceiling, and leave the view on the outside unobstructed, creating a constant game of perspective relations with the tree trunks. Seen from the outside, the building appears as a compact volume made of exposed concrete, markedly different from the existing building.