place: Spilimbergo (PN)
contracting authority: Comune di Spilimbergo
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Vittorio Pierini
collaborators: arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
project cost: €. 1.150.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, interior design
project: 2014/2015
construction: 2016/2017
photography: Massimo Poldelmengo, plbstudio

The project involves the renovation of the Cinema Theater Miotto in Spilimbergo (PN). Opened in 1937, it is located in the north of the historical city center. The exterior has been kept almost unaltered, except for the demolition and reconstruction of a new warehouse of enlarged dimensions. The interior has been consolidated, structurally improved and adapted to the current regulations of the building through the reconstruction of the stage, the stalls and the gallery as well as the redevelopment of the entrance, the foyer and the bathrooms. In the theater hall conceptually 2 elements interpenetrate: one in wood, that constitute flooring and acoustic elements; one in black plasterboard, that contains air conditioning and lighting systems. Moreover, the space under the stage has been trasformed into a store and rehearsal room, and the adjacent basement, previously used as a pizzeria, in dressing rooms and bathrooms.


place: San Quirino (PN)
stazione appaltante: Comune di San Quirino
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini
collaborators: arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 230.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, safety coordination
project: 2010/2011
construction: 2011/2012
photography: Foto Ciol

The project involves the architectural and plant renovation of a building built in the 1920s to house the city library. The building was already the subject of an intervention in the 1980s; it was radically modified both in function – originally it was the dwelling of the doctor, then it was used as medical clinics – and in the typology, with an extension on the east side and the new positioning of the stairwell. The two floors have been completely freed from the existing internal walls: the ground floor, which has become an open-space, is intended for public acceptance, book storage and reading room; the first floor has been divided into three rooms: two for children and adults, and the third for a multi-purpose room. The program also required the creation of a new multimedia environment; since it did not find its place in the existing building, an expansion was built on the south side, towards the garden.


place: San Quirino (PN)
contracting authority: Comune di San Quirino
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini, Cooprogetti (coordinator), arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 980.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, art direction
project: 2007/2008
construction: 2009
photography: Foto Ciol

L’ampliamento ha un impianto progettuale che si sviluppa in direzione est-ovest proponendo un percorso che distribuisce e allo stesso tempo si dilata nei nuovi ambienti di progetto: il refettorio, oggetto del presente incarico, e il nuovo asilo nido, di futura realizzazione. La pianta dell’edificio destinato a mensa e servizi è ritmata da sud a nord secondo tre fasce di ambienti distinti: il locale destinato al pranzo che si apre verso il giardino con un’ampia vetrata ; il vano cucina, un cavedio e il locale pranzo del personale; gli ambienti di servizio. Le aperture sono posizionate sui lati nord e sud, all’interno di spazi realizzati con il prolungamento dei setti perimetrali da un lato, e della copertura e del marciapiede/davanzale, dall’altro. La corte interna contribuisce a portare aria e luce nella parte centrale dell’edificio. La natura (gli alberi, i cespugli, i fiori del giardino esterno) e gli eventi atmosferici (il sole, la pioggia, le nuvole, la neve, la grandine) “entrano” nell’edificio attraverso la vetrata e la corte interna, consentendo agli alunni di osservare i cambiamenti climatici e cromatici dovuti al trascorrere e al mutare delle stagioni, trasformando in questo modo anche il pranzo in un momento didattico, di scoperta e apprendimento.


place: Spilimbergo (PN)
contracting authority: Comune di Spilimbergo (PN)
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini (coordinator), ing. Maurizio Casoni
collaborators: arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 340.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, safety coordination
project: 2007/2008
construction: 2009/2010
photography: furlan&pierini architetti

The project involves the construction, on the north side of the existing building, of a volume that houses a new entrance and bathrooms. The choice to house the service areas in the new extension allows us not to modify the internal structure of the Gaspardo house with rooms that do not belong to the original type of building. The elevations of the new volume are blind except for the openings with an entrance function. The hexagonal structure, the vertical walls of different heights, the two-asymmetrical pitched roof define a dynamic building that offers unexpected perspective views. The faces have a scratched plaster finish, as well as the covering, to form a homogeneous volume, a solid mass within which the various functions required find space.


place: Spilimbergo (PN)
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini
services supplied: project, executive project and interior design
project: 2001
construction: 2001/2003
note: mq 540
photography: furlan&pierini architetti

The classic layout of the liberty villa, with a central distribution corridor in side rooms and main staircase for distribution to the floors, is maintained. The project involves the construction of an internal staircase to connect the ground floor to the first floor located on the west side of the villa, in a portion of the building subject to an expansion in the 1950s, in order not to distort the original plant. Door shifts and the construction of some partition walls are planned to enhance the new environments envisaged by the project; the toilets are made from scratch. On the second floor there is also a staircase with a light structure (iron and wood), in order to access a study in the attic. Furthermore, some elements are rebuilt, such as the roof, the flooring, the thermo-hydraulic system, doors and windows.


place: San Martino di Campagna, Cortina di Giais
contracting authority: Comune di Aviano (PN)
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini architetti (coordinator), arch. Giorgio del Fabbro, ing. Gianni Mirolo, arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 669.520,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, safety coordination
project: 2009/2010
construction: 2010/2012
photography: Foto Ciol

The works include the restoration and partial reconstruction of a structure, known as the “chapel”, that the existing texts of a historical nature is cataloged as a “temple Lombard” or “early Christian chapel”. The historical and archaeological insights give us the ruins of a traditional house typology due to foothills Veneto-Friuli, equipped with a porch (south side) of circular hearth (north side) and adjoining pigeon (southwest side), part curtain building of which there are surviving buildings to the east and west. The first batch of project involves the reconstruction of part of a building curtain to the north-east, through the restoration of the ruins existing building called “chapel” and the adjoining pigeon: the ground floor, a room open will be used to place for small concerts and/or events of a public nature; the environment of the first floor is outsourced to a local association. The grounds of the existing building in the northeast corner is turned into a small public square, but did not find objective evidence for its reconstruction.


place: Pordenone
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini
services supplied: project, construction management and interior design
project: 1998
construction: 1998/2002
note: listed building; mq 680
photography: Massimo Poldelmengo

Any restoration design must start with a survey of the existing layers and the study of historical context. The design in itself is a working process subject to constant modification: in this case its development was guided by the architectural elements and the frescoed fragments discovered after the initial cleaning of the more recent additions. The entry at the ground floor is almost dark, shadowy; without artificial lighting it is impossible to move around. As one accesses the upper levels, light filters from the windows of the various rooms and gets brighter and brighter, until, at the attic level, a large skylight offers a charming view over the roofs of the historical center. The iron and wood staircase, light and detached from the sidewall, creates a pathway that runs through the entire building. Light creates ever-changing atmospheres during the day and makes the entire environment fully readable, from the ground floor to the roof, from darkness to pure light. Simplicity and lightness are the characters of the newly introduced architectural elements (iron superstructures, clear glass plates separating the frescoed fragments from the masonry or furniture); they help integrating “old” and “new” by creating a balanced relation between the different areas of the building.

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place: Pordenone
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini
services supplied: project, construction management and interior design
project: 2001
construction: 2001/2002
note: listed building; 325 sq
photography: Massimo Poldelmengo

The design entails the reabilitation of a structure located in a row of buildings fronting onto the north side of a historical alley connecting corso Vittorio Emanuele and piazza della Motta. The program called for the construction of a car shelter at the ground floor as well as two apartments at the upper levels. The stairwell is part concrete, part iron and wood: the latter elements are detached from the walls of the adjoining buildings so that they avoid covering the significant architectural and decoration elements unearthed during the restoration works. A skylight in the roof provides plenty of light that enhances the architectural elements and transforms the staircase in a path that allows for the reading of the original façades of the adjoining buildings. A spiral staircase placed into a glass “box” connects the two levels of the second floor apartment. The stairwell is clad with copper, while the building is finished with plaster. The copper-clad volume abuts on the corner building and marks the beginning of the built fabric of the alley.