place: Porcia (PN)
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Vittorio Pierini, arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
services supplied: project, construction management
project: 2017
construction: 2018-2019
photography: Massimo Poldelmengo

The project was carried out within a plot of approximately 1500 m2 in the residential suburb of the province of Pordenone. The client wanted to build a single-storey house, with the portion dedicated to the children secluded from the rest of the building.

Located at the end of the access road, positioned in the center of the lot, the house has an L-shaped plan with a subdivision of the internal spaces with a sleeping area and garage to the north, a living area to the south).

The main face of the house is south, towards which the internal rooms (kitchen and living room) open with 2 large windows; the living room, also equipped with a window facing east, opens onto a covered terrace and a view of the garden.

The southern part also acts as a distributive for the sleeping areas and services, guaranteeing access to the double bedroom and attached bathroom to the east, with a study that serves as an ante-entrance, and, to the west, with entrances to the single bedrooms and their bathrooms through a corridor located after the main entrance. Through the same distributive (equipped with a bathroom with skylight for ventilation) you will reach the garage, positioned at the end of the house, forming a single body with the remaining building.

The vehicular and pedestrian accesses are from the south side, the views of the bedrooms are all facing east, towards the morning light and the garden, while the services, the main entrance to the house and the garage face the west.


place: Pordenone
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Vittorio Pierini, arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
services supplied: progetto, direzione lavori, arredo d’interni
project: 2016
construction: 2016
photography: pordenoneturismo / plbstudio

The intervention involved the complete renovation of the interior of a restaurant, located on the ground floor of a historic building in the center of Pordenone.

The cornerstone of the operation was the placement of a metal structure inside the central room to act as a mezzanine, taking advantage of the entire height of the building, in order to create an additional restaurant room and freeing up the space below where to place the counter and the sales area, together with tables and chairs.

The other design choices focused on making the place more welcoming and functional, without distorting it, characterizing the different rooms with different lighting fixtures.

The air conditioning, electrical and hydraulic system was also replaced.


luogo: Spilimbergo (PN)
cliente: Privato
incarico: diretto
progettisti: arch. Vittorio Pierini, arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
prestazioni svolte: progetto, direzione lavori, arredo d’interni
data del progetto: 2017
realizzazione: 2018-2019
note: mq 730
fotografie: Massimo Poldelmengo
, plbstudio

L’immobile in oggetto è una parte del complesso del Castello di Spilimbergo, le cui prime tracce risalgono al secolo XI.

La porzione denominata Palazzo Ciriani (ora Furlan), così come la conosciamo oggi, conserva poco dell’impianto originario. Le modifiche apportate nel 1911-1912, in occasione del restauro realizzato su progetto dell’architetto Giuseppe Torres, hanno trasformato radicalmente l’edificio.

Attualmente consta di un nucleo principale, confinante a nord-ovest con palazzo Tadea, che comprende i saloni e le stanze principali dell’abitazione, caratterizzate dall’ingresso principale dotato di una bussola di legno e dalla scala lignea progettata dallo stesso Torres. Un nucleo secondario, a confine con palazzo Troilo (già adibito a carcere e ora sede dell’Archivio comunale) è collocato a sud-est, che, oltre ad una ulteriore scala di accesso ai vari piani, contiene su un unico livello gli ambienti domestici del Castello: il “fogher”, con l’antistante servizio, un “tinello” con vista sul Tagliamento, la cucina e una cantina (anch’essi prospicienti verso il fiume). A queste due unità si aggiunge lo studio dello scultore Ado Furlan costituito da un ampio stanzone adibito un tempo a ricovero delle carrozze e collegato attraverso una porta oggi murata a una cantina rientrante attualmente nella proprietà Querin.

Lo schema planimetrico del piano terra corrisponde solo parzialmente a quello del primo piano. Qui infatti il salone è ridotto in ampiezza da un muro funzionale alla creazione di un corridoio dove sbocca la scala lignea interna e lungo il quale si distribuiscono due ambienti: il salone passante con l’affresco di Giovanni da Udine, confinante a nord-ovest con la proprietà Querin e dotato un tempo di due coppie di porte per lato, e la stanza-studio di Italo Furlan con affaccio verso il Tagliamento. Quest’ultima è divisa mediante un tramezzo da un secondo ambiente con pavimento alla veneziana, utilizzato un tempo come bagno, trasformato da Italo Furlan nella propria camera da letto.

Al secondo piano, cui si accede esclusivamente attraverso la scala principale in cemento con finitura in graniglia, si ripete lo schema distributivo del livello sottostante, con corridoio centrale e tre camere ai lati, mentre i servizi sono accessibili dal corridoio parallelo alla facciata.

Una scala, tra le due camere confinanti a nord-ovest con la proprietà Querin conduce al sottotetto, utilizzato attualmente come deposito.

Gli interventi realizzati, volti all’esaltazione delle finiture adottate in precedenza e all’adeguamento funzionale dell’edificio, non hanno compromesso la forma originaria né hanno cambiato le caratteristiche costruttive. Sono riassumibili nelle seguenti lavorazioni:

  • sostituzione della pavimentazione in legno a spina di pesce di alcune stanze del piano terra con una di identica fattura.
  • levigatura e pulizia del pavimento in seminato alla veneziana di alcune stanze del piano terra e della scalinata di accesso alla zona notte del primo e secondo piano.
  • rifacimento della pavimentazione esterna del cortile retrostante, attualmente in calcestruzzo in cattivo stato di conservazione, utilizzando lo stesso materiale ma con inserti in pietra a richiamare la piazza esterna.
  • Sostituzione nel giardino del bersò attuale con uno nuovo di foggia adeguata al contesto.
  • creazione al piano terra di 2 bagni (entrambi con lavabo e wc) il tutto realizzato tra 2 pareti preesistenti, attraverso la creazione di un setto divisore, senza modificare la planimetria del palazzo e la pavimentazione preesistente. La porta in ferro, ad un’anta con sopraluce, a richiamare le soluzioni adottate nelle stanze limitrofe.
  • restauro di tutti gli infissi in legno e della scalinata rivestita in legno al piano terra.
  • inserimento di una porta scorrevole a 2 ante in vetro all’interno della bussola di ingresso principale, senza modificare il serramento e le parti in legno.
  • inserimento di una porta scorrevole a 2 ante in vetro all’interno della studio Ado Furlan, ripristinando contestualmente la forometria originale della porta, senza modificare il serramento e le parti in legno della sala principale.
  • adeguamento dell’impianto idraulico, con integrazione dei vecchi termosifoni con nuovi elementi di stesso aspetto e stessa foggia di quelli presenti.
  • adeguamento dell’impianto elettrico, con materiali a norma ed integrazione con nuovi corpi illuminanti volti a soddisfare eventuali esigenze espositive.


place: Lestans, Comune di Sequals (PN)
contracting authority: Comune di Sequals
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini, ing. Angelo Salomon, ing. Gianni Mirolo
collaborators: arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 1.300.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management
project: 2010/2011
construction: 2012/2013 (concluso)
photography: Foto Ciol

The name derives Sequals according to some scholars to “sub colles” that is at the foot of the hills , others from “septem colles”. The main fraction, Lestans , is about 5 km from the capital. The hills that rise between the arch rolling foothills and the plains are taken as a reference design: the section of the building from east to west is marked by a series of pitched roofs with different size and inclination (and reference memory of the skyline of the surrounding mountains) that vary depending on the environments, characterizing spatially. The construction of the prospects for extrusion of portions of the walls and the rear position of the window relative to the wire thickness to give the building openings that are transformed into real telescopes open to the surrounding landscape. The choice to characterize the color-only floors and ceilings at the disposal of the teaching that all the walls, like the film in a movie, recount the daily activities of children, through drawings, words and teaching jobs.


place: Pordenone (PN)
contracting authority: GEA s.p.a.
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini (coordinator), arch. Ivo Boscariol, arch. Antonio Stefanuto
collaborators: arch. Elisabetta Lot
project cost: €. 1.300.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, interior design, safety coordination
project: 2014/2015
construction: 2016/2017
photography: Massimo Poldelmengo, Intra-lighting

The building houses different functions: offices and related service rooms for 24 administrative staff, conference room for up to 99 people, rooms for use as changing rooms for 100 operational workers. The location urban layout led the design choices: the construction of a single-storey building without openings in the external elevations with the working areas facing 3 internal courtyards. From the functional point of view, there are 3 specific areas: south-east there are the administrative offices organized around a central courtyard; a second internal courtyard divides the offices from the conference room and a third separates the aforementioned conference room from the changing rooms, located north-west. The courts provide light and air to the windowed rooms, guaranteeing users environmental, sensorial and emotional quality. Externally, the facades of the building, designed with a painted exposed reinforced concrete finish, have no windowed openings and are completely covered by vegetation and plants to form a green mass. This guarantees formal recognizability, human dimension of the construction (also thanks to the one floor limited height) and improving the building energy performance. The roof is flat, covered with gravel and equipped with photovoltaic panels for energy self-sufficiency.


place: Spilimbergo (PN)
contracting authority: Comune di Spilimbergo
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Vittorio Pierini
collaborators: arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
project cost: €. 1.150.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, interior design
project: 2014/2015
construction: 2016/2017
photography: Massimo Poldelmengo, plbstudio

The project involves the renovation of the Cinema Theater Miotto in Spilimbergo (PN). Opened in 1937, it is located in the north of the historical city center. The exterior has been kept almost unaltered, except for the demolition and reconstruction of a new warehouse of enlarged dimensions. The interior has been consolidated, structurally improved and adapted to the current regulations of the building through the reconstruction of the stage, the stalls and the gallery as well as the redevelopment of the entrance, the foyer and the bathrooms. In the theater hall conceptually 2 elements interpenetrate: one in wood, that constitute flooring and acoustic elements; one in black plasterboard, that contains air conditioning and lighting systems. Moreover, the space under the stage has been trasformed into a store and rehearsal room, and the adjacent basement, previously used as a pizzeria, in dressing rooms and bathrooms.


place: San Quirino (PN)
stazione appaltante: Comune di San Quirino
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini
collaborators: arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 230.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, safety coordination
project: 2010/2011
construction: 2011/2012
photography: Foto Ciol

The project involves the architectural and plant renovation of a building built in the 1920s to house the city library. The building was already the subject of an intervention in the 1980s; it was radically modified both in function – originally it was the dwelling of the doctor, then it was used as medical clinics – and in the typology, with an extension on the east side and the new positioning of the stairwell. The two floors have been completely freed from the existing internal walls: the ground floor, which has become an open-space, is intended for public acceptance, book storage and reading room; the first floor has been divided into three rooms: two for children and adults, and the third for a multi-purpose room. The program also required the creation of a new multimedia environment; since it did not find its place in the existing building, an expansion was built on the south side, towards the garden.


place: San Martino di Campagna
contracting authority: Comune di Aviano (PN)
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini architetti (coordinator), arch. Giorgio del Fabbro, ing. Gianni Mirolo, arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 669.520,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, safety coordination
project: 2009/2010
construction: 2010/2012
photography: furlan&pierini architetti

The main generating elements of the project, that accepts and makes the orography of the place its own, taking it as a reference for the new urban design, are the natural elements (the trees) and built elements (the fountain and the war memorial). It was decided to keep them in their original location, along with the facade of the church. The layout of the square is organized according to a geometric grid that becomes the matrix of the entire project, built on the pitch of the main elements present in the public space.