place: Spilimbergo (PN)
contracting authority: Comune di Spilimbergo
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Vittorio Pierini
collaborators: arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
project cost: €. 1.150.000,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, interior design
project: 2014/2015
construction: 2016/2017
photography: Massimo Poldelmengo, plbstudio
The project involves the renovation of the Cinema Theater Miotto in Spilimbergo (PN). Opened in 1937, it is located in the north of the historical city center. The exterior has been kept almost unaltered, except for the demolition and reconstruction of a new warehouse of enlarged dimensions. The interior has been consolidated, structurally improved and adapted to the current regulations of the building through the reconstruction of the stage, the stalls and the gallery as well as the redevelopment of the entrance, the foyer and the bathrooms. In the theater hall conceptually 2 elements interpenetrate: one in wood, that constitute flooring and acoustic elements; one in black plasterboard, that contains air conditioning and lighting systems. Moreover, the space under the stage has been trasformed into a store and rehearsal room, and the adjacent basement, previously used as a pizzeria, in dressing rooms and bathrooms.