place: San Martino di Campagna, Cortina di Giais
contracting authority: Comune di Aviano (PN)
assignment: competition
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini architetti (coordinator), arch. Giorgio del Fabbro, ing. Gianni Mirolo, arch. Gianluca Zanette
project cost: €. 669.520,00
services supplied: project, executive project, construction management, safety coordination
project: 2009/2010
construction: 2010/2012
photography: Foto Ciol

The works include the restoration and partial reconstruction of a structure, known as the “chapel”, that the existing texts of a historical nature is cataloged as a “temple Lombard” or “early Christian chapel”. The historical and archaeological insights give us the ruins of a traditional house typology due to foothills Veneto-Friuli, equipped with a porch (south side) of circular hearth (north side) and adjoining pigeon (southwest side), part curtain building of which there are surviving buildings to the east and west. The first batch of project involves the reconstruction of part of a building curtain to the north-east, through the restoration of the ruins existing building called “chapel” and the adjoining pigeon: the ground floor, a room open will be used to place for small concerts and/or events of a public nature; the environment of the first floor is outsourced to a local association. The grounds of the existing building in the northeast corner is turned into a small public square, but did not find objective evidence for its reconstruction.