Group Leader:
arch. Elisabetta Lot
arch. Vittorio Pierini, arch. Ivo Boscariol, arch. Andrea Catto, arch. Alessio Grava
arch. Giulia Manfrin

The tender involves the reconfiguration of a peri-urban area of ​​the municipality of San Fior (TV), on which multiple functions exist. The area, of about 2 hectares, has a children’s playground on the northern side, close to a road and near a car park serving the nearby school. Here is also located the access to the Alpini park, which leads, following it towards the south, to the back of the building used as a “social center”, equipped with a concrete playing field, picnic area and parking lot facing the road. The eastern side is left as a lawn, enclosed by tall trees at the Codolo stream and the Pusolin stream

The project intends to enhance the pre-existing structures, mending and updating the current elements. The social center will be renovated and expanded, with a view to creating a garrison against urban decay. The current building will become exclusively used as a bar/recreation center, operating continuously, possibly through external management under concession. To make it more functional, it is planned to include the existing kitchen area and increase the internal spaces, to accommodate a greater number of seats, making the operation commercially sustainable. A canopy (in continuity with the pre-existing one) will connect the access of the western front to the future extension, a volume characterized by large windows on the long sides to the east and west. The latter will be equipped with fully opening windows, for outdoor activities, for their extension to the garden and the paved area in front, which corresponds to a portion of the existing one. The rectangular internal space, intended for meetings and presentations, is designed for a wide flexibility of use, with a blind wall equipped for projections on the north side and, on the opposite side, to the south-east, equipped with an independent kitchen with a dedicated entrance and, to the south-west, a service area.

On the back, a small and independent building is planned for the meetings of the Alpini San Fior group, equipped with toilets and a kitchen/equipped wall, positioned near the commemorative monument at the entrance to the Park to also act as a garrison of the area, since it is equipped with large windows towards the entrance, which in the evening will define a sort of luminous lantern towards the park. Formally, each of the 3 buildings of the complex will be characterized on the outside by the presence of opalescent panels to emphasize the elements of greater height.

The cycle and pedestrian path completes the connection between via Isidoro Mel and via degli Alpini and the school buildings, and at the same time defines a new urban front of the park system, with seats, trees and earthworks, obtained by moving the children’s play equipment to a safer internal position, at the same time close to the pre-existing picnic areas, the bar and connected to the school area and the natural park


Group leader:
architect Elisabetta Lot
architect Vittorio Pierini, architect Ivo Boscariol, architect Alessio Grava
architect Giulia Manfrin

The subject of the competition is the reorganization of the external and internal spaces of the buildings that insist on the area of ​​the former Riva barracks, currently characterized by the parade ground used as a parking lot and the presence of a Rest Home with an adjoining multi-clinic space. The founding idea of ​​the external area project is to provide citizens and guests of the rest home with a usable external space. The new green areas will have paths characterized by sinuous shapes developed within areas with irregular geometries, capable of establishing dynamic and stimulating space-sensory relationships for users.

The principles that have been adhered to are those of universal design which, applied to elderly users, include a series of measures aimed at increasing autonomy (through circular paths with walking assistance tools, raised vegetable gardens to be looked after, flower beds), memory stimulation (through solutions aimed at stimulating the visual, olfactory and tactile senses thanks to selected arboreal and floral vegetation), intergenerational exchange (through the complete use of the many functions that insist in the area) and the possibility of having aggregation spaces (seats in the shade or sheltered from the elements, outdoor meeting places).

The design of the garden edges respects the need to control the elderly without however creating physical fences that would impact the general perception of the space (eliminating the sense of enclosure, of closure).

The parking lot will be remodeled and regulated, favoring vehicular parking on the southern side of the lot, while maintaining the previous paving and rainwater recovery, defining dedicated pedestrian paths to safely access the various structures present in the complex.

As regards the architecture, in the former stables, on the southern side, near the entrance to the lot, the new multipurpose meeting room sized for 50 people interrupts the alignment of the fronts in correspondence with the only non-original wall (in concrete), to create a formally recognizable volume; a glass window emphasizes its importance making it visible from the outside, overlooking the former parade ground which can be used as a public space if necessary. The warehouse has been positioned on the eastern side; on the opposite side the multipurpose room, the toilets, the exhibition spaces and finally additional warehouses.

Where the functions are public, the pedestrian area is enlarged, creating an area for cultural and social activities dedicated to the community. The expansion of the entrance to the retirement home is also consistent and is redesigned with the same materials. The volume that expands the second and third levels takes up the pitched roof of the adjacent buildings; on the façade, the glass portion visually connects the square with the back, while the almost completely blind portion will house more “private” functions, such as the rehabilitation gym.


Group leader:
architect Vittorio Pierini
architect Elisabetta Lot, architect Ivo Boscariol, architect Fabio Santarossa, architect Marco Salamon
architect Alessio Grava

The project is part of the Cinto Caomaggiore School Complex, enhancing the relationship with the existing building through new visual and spatial relationships and expanding the existing green areas, while reducing land consumption. In order to guarantee teaching activities, the project is developed in two distinct phases: the first will involve the demolition of the portion of the north entrance and the construction of the new block (A) arranged on two floors above ground containing classrooms and services; the second will involve the demolition of the two buildings of the current G. Pascoli Primary School and the construction of the second block (B) arranged on one floor hosting special classrooms and services.

Block A is characterized by an L-shaped volume on two levels designed to fit into the space between the canteen/gym building and the existing primary school. It has a pitched roof in order to relate to the building typologies of the urban context of the area and to the existing buildings of the school complex.

Block B is located to the north-east of the project area, is characterized by a rectangular volume arranged on a single level and placed in adherence to body A and follows the trend of the northern perimeter of the lot. The choices adopted allow for a multipurpose space serving the school thanks to the direct connection with the central atrium, and at the same time an autonomous function guaranteed by the separate entrance located on the west side of the building, which is accessed from Via Torino, and by the possibility of closing the connection with the atrium.


place: Aviano (PN)
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Vittorio Pierini, arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
services supplied: project, construction management
project: 2021/22
construction: 2022/23
photography: Massimo Poldelmengo

The house subject to the intervention is located on the Pordenone foothills, arranged on two levels and inserted in an urban context characterized by houses arranged in line overlooking a public street and a common internal courtyard.

The existing property falls within the “Areas of historical interest subject to typological conservation” according to the PRGC, the general volumetric system dating back to 1800.

The radical renovation involved improving the performance of the property from both an energy and structural point of view, as well as recovering the attic, previously used as a warehouse, for residential purposes.

For the first point, insulation was created on the perimeter plasterboard walls, in order not to modify the facades of the building; the renovation and insulation of part of the roof and the replacement of the existing wooden windows with new ones with thermal break and double glazing. Where the attic was redone, a radiant system was installed, on a Venetian floor on the ground floor and in wood, with a herringbone pattern, on the first floor.

For the second point, part of the roof and related curbing were replaced, a portion of the attic on the first floor was consolidated and the foundations on the ground floor were rebuilt. The pre-existing beams of the floors, previously hidden by a false ceiling, were recovered and restored.

The systems were renewed thanks to the installation of an underfloor heating system, the adaptation of the sanitary water system, the installation of a condensing boiler and heat pump. The existing electrical system has been adapted based on the new distribution of the rooms.

Finally, a new photovoltaic system and related storage system were installed.

The measures adopted have led the house to obtain an energy class of A4.


place: Pordenone
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Vittorio Pierini, arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
services supplied: project, construction management
project: 2017
construction: 2018
photography: Massimo Poldelmengo

The intervention involved the partial demolition and reconstruction of a small single-storey house located in a medium-density residential area near the historic center of Pordenone.

The house occupies the east side of a small lot and is on the opposite side of the vehicle and pedestrian entrance.

Respecting the constraints set by the legislation, it was decided to maximize the obtainable volume, making full use of the height of the pre-existing building in order to obtain an additional floor and a flat roof on the first floor.

In this way, a walkable surface almost double that of the existing one was obtained. The existing internal distribution was overturned, creating a large and airy living area, with large sliding windows located on opposite sides of the lounge and dining area, with a study, a bathroom, a laundry room and a pantry separate from the kitchen.

On the first floor there is access to a large external terrace both from a further open space study and from the double bedroom, equipped with bathroom.

The covered area of the building remained unchanged.


place: Porcia (PN)
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Vittorio Pierini, arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
services supplied: project, construction management
project: 2017
construction: 2018-2019
photography: Massimo Poldelmengo

The project was carried out within a plot of approximately 1500 m2 in the residential suburb of the province of Pordenone. The client wanted to build a single-storey house, with the portion dedicated to the children secluded from the rest of the building.

Located at the end of the access road, positioned in the center of the lot, the house has an L-shaped plan with a subdivision of the internal spaces with a sleeping area and garage to the north, a living area to the south).

The main face of the house is south, towards which the internal rooms (kitchen and living room) open with 2 large windows; the living room, also equipped with a window facing east, opens onto a covered terrace and a view of the garden.

The southern part also acts as a distributive for the sleeping areas and services, guaranteeing access to the double bedroom and attached bathroom to the east, with a study that serves as an ante-entrance, and, to the west, with entrances to the single bedrooms and their bathrooms through a corridor located after the main entrance. Through the same distributive (equipped with a bathroom with skylight for ventilation) you will reach the garage, positioned at the end of the house, forming a single body with the remaining building.

The vehicular and pedestrian accesses are from the south side, the views of the bedrooms are all facing east, towards the morning light and the garden, while the services, the main entrance to the house and the garage face the west.


place: Pordenone
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Vittorio Pierini, arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
services supplied: progetto, direzione lavori, arredo d’interni
project: 2016
construction: 2016
photography: pordenoneturismo / plbstudio

The intervention involved the complete renovation of the interior of a restaurant, located on the ground floor of a historic building in the center of Pordenone.

The cornerstone of the operation was the placement of a metal structure inside the central room to act as a mezzanine, taking advantage of the entire height of the building, in order to create an additional restaurant room and freeing up the space below where to place the counter and the sales area, together with tables and chairs.

The other design choices focused on making the place more welcoming and functional, without distorting it, characterizing the different rooms with different lighting fixtures.

The air conditioning, electrical and hydraulic system was also replaced.


luogo: Spilimbergo (PN)
cliente: Privato
incarico: diretto
progettisti: arch. Vittorio Pierini, arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
prestazioni svolte: progetto, direzione lavori, arredo d’interni
data del progetto: 2017
realizzazione: 2018-2019
note: mq 730
fotografie: Massimo Poldelmengo
, plbstudio

L’immobile in oggetto è una parte del complesso del Castello di Spilimbergo, le cui prime tracce risalgono al secolo XI.

La porzione denominata Palazzo Ciriani (ora Furlan), così come la conosciamo oggi, conserva poco dell’impianto originario. Le modifiche apportate nel 1911-1912, in occasione del restauro realizzato su progetto dell’architetto Giuseppe Torres, hanno trasformato radicalmente l’edificio.

Attualmente consta di un nucleo principale, confinante a nord-ovest con palazzo Tadea, che comprende i saloni e le stanze principali dell’abitazione, caratterizzate dall’ingresso principale dotato di una bussola di legno e dalla scala lignea progettata dallo stesso Torres. Un nucleo secondario, a confine con palazzo Troilo (già adibito a carcere e ora sede dell’Archivio comunale) è collocato a sud-est, che, oltre ad una ulteriore scala di accesso ai vari piani, contiene su un unico livello gli ambienti domestici del Castello: il “fogher”, con l’antistante servizio, un “tinello” con vista sul Tagliamento, la cucina e una cantina (anch’essi prospicienti verso il fiume). A queste due unità si aggiunge lo studio dello scultore Ado Furlan costituito da un ampio stanzone adibito un tempo a ricovero delle carrozze e collegato attraverso una porta oggi murata a una cantina rientrante attualmente nella proprietà Querin.

Lo schema planimetrico del piano terra corrisponde solo parzialmente a quello del primo piano. Qui infatti il salone è ridotto in ampiezza da un muro funzionale alla creazione di un corridoio dove sbocca la scala lignea interna e lungo il quale si distribuiscono due ambienti: il salone passante con l’affresco di Giovanni da Udine, confinante a nord-ovest con la proprietà Querin e dotato un tempo di due coppie di porte per lato, e la stanza-studio di Italo Furlan con affaccio verso il Tagliamento. Quest’ultima è divisa mediante un tramezzo da un secondo ambiente con pavimento alla veneziana, utilizzato un tempo come bagno, trasformato da Italo Furlan nella propria camera da letto.

Al secondo piano, cui si accede esclusivamente attraverso la scala principale in cemento con finitura in graniglia, si ripete lo schema distributivo del livello sottostante, con corridoio centrale e tre camere ai lati, mentre i servizi sono accessibili dal corridoio parallelo alla facciata.

Una scala, tra le due camere confinanti a nord-ovest con la proprietà Querin conduce al sottotetto, utilizzato attualmente come deposito.

Gli interventi realizzati, volti all’esaltazione delle finiture adottate in precedenza e all’adeguamento funzionale dell’edificio, non hanno compromesso la forma originaria né hanno cambiato le caratteristiche costruttive. Sono riassumibili nelle seguenti lavorazioni:

  • sostituzione della pavimentazione in legno a spina di pesce di alcune stanze del piano terra con una di identica fattura.
  • levigatura e pulizia del pavimento in seminato alla veneziana di alcune stanze del piano terra e della scalinata di accesso alla zona notte del primo e secondo piano.
  • rifacimento della pavimentazione esterna del cortile retrostante, attualmente in calcestruzzo in cattivo stato di conservazione, utilizzando lo stesso materiale ma con inserti in pietra a richiamare la piazza esterna.
  • Sostituzione nel giardino del bersò attuale con uno nuovo di foggia adeguata al contesto.
  • creazione al piano terra di 2 bagni (entrambi con lavabo e wc) il tutto realizzato tra 2 pareti preesistenti, attraverso la creazione di un setto divisore, senza modificare la planimetria del palazzo e la pavimentazione preesistente. La porta in ferro, ad un’anta con sopraluce, a richiamare le soluzioni adottate nelle stanze limitrofe.
  • restauro di tutti gli infissi in legno e della scalinata rivestita in legno al piano terra.
  • inserimento di una porta scorrevole a 2 ante in vetro all’interno della bussola di ingresso principale, senza modificare il serramento e le parti in legno.
  • inserimento di una porta scorrevole a 2 ante in vetro all’interno della studio Ado Furlan, ripristinando contestualmente la forometria originale della porta, senza modificare il serramento e le parti in legno della sala principale.
  • adeguamento dell’impianto idraulico, con integrazione dei vecchi termosifoni con nuovi elementi di stesso aspetto e stessa foggia di quelli presenti.
  • adeguamento dell’impianto elettrico, con materiali a norma ed integrazione con nuovi corpi illuminanti volti a soddisfare eventuali esigenze espositive.


place: Pordenone
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Vittorio Pierini, arch. Elisabetta Lot, arch. Ivo Boscariol
services supplied: project,  construction management and interior design
project: 2019
construction: 2020
note: mq 100
photography: Valentina Iaccarino

The intervention involved the complete refurbishment of a bar, located on the ground floor of a 1970s building complex, located near the Pordenone railway station.
The design focused on 2 themes: the outside, where to improve the visibility and recognisability of the premises; the interior, where the spaces can be reconfigured with the aim of optimizing commercial activity.

As far as the first point is concerned, the old windows and doors were replaced with others of new construction and greater height (3.6m), allowed by the demolition of the pre-existing false ceiling.
Inside, thanks to the new windows, the internal partition and the arrangement of the furnishings were changed while the kitchen and finishes were completely renovated, except for the floor, which is kept in marble.
The counter has been relocated and covered in porphyry, with a different finish based on the function, hammered for the infill panels and polished for the worktops. The element is projected outside one of the 2 sides of the room, creating an infill element with the function of a support surface for customers and employees.

A white metal structure winds through the space made larger by the lack of false ceiling, becoming the supporting element of the lighting elements, whether they are linear, with thin LED bars, or spherical, with pairs of opal spheres.
In addition, the same structure is declined in various other elements: high table at the intersection of the external sides, backlit supports for the shelves in the back counter, display and partition structures, all interspersed with plywood tops.

The new ceiling has been completely covered with anthracite sound-absorbing elements, which contrast with the warm and light colors given to the walls.


place: Pordenone
client: Private
assignment: direct
architects: arch. Ado Furlan, arch. Vittorio Pierini
services supplied: project,  construction management and interior design
project: 2012
construction: 2012/13
note: mq 400
fotografie: Massimo Poldelmengo, furlan&pierini architetti

The project involves the renovation of a 60’s house designed by the Pordenone architect Donadon. The villa, characterized by large pitched roofs, extensive glass windows, and by a cultured use of rich furnishing materials, has been the subject of a complete renovation aimed at adapting comfort and energy performance to current standards, while maintaining its original character. . A single volume was added to the existing elements, in exposed concrete, acting as a garage.